Montag, 7. Juli 2014

Day 27

what a day was that? I was grumpy all day long! Poor family of mine that dealt with me like that. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy!!! Why? I do not know, I really don't know!
Breakfast went totally fine.

Lunch was not so good anymore. I started healthy, but than I saw those lovely "Semmeln" and I just had to eat one, a little bite of a raisin bread, which became a whole one. That made me even more grumpy. If I do not eat right than I somehow get in trouble with myself. Like to much sugar and also white flour products. That Semmel (roll) was whole wheat but still.
Dinner was fine again.

Inbetween I had a nice skype with my middle sister. And I was starting to feel better, that's truly what sisters are for and I very much appreciate the time she took, so we could talk.

Sport, I took a very long walk with my baby-girl and our dog. That also helped!

On days like that I am thankful for the night, because "tomorrow is always fresh" Anne of Green Gables!

Happy 3 Day's to go

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