Freitag, 13. Juni 2014

Day 4

my day started very, very early. Summerbaby could not sleep anymore at about 4 am. How lovely is that. as it is almost light at that time right now it is always a little hard for both of us to go back into dream land. After 2 hours she finally was a sleep again and I started my day with nice tea. I love tea. I can drink it all day long and I love to celebrate it a little. This was my tea in the morning and it made my day.

After the the boys left for school and one of my sons throw a big fit, because he could not find his shoe etc. I was a little nervous. But I did good and this was my breakfast.  200 g. amaranth with dried apples and strawberries in hot milk and a milk limon drink. Very filling!

I went today to the market to get fresh fruits and vegetables. Which turned out to be my lunch.

It was lovely, but not enough. I could feel that later in the afternoon. As my children where singing screaming, some of them talking at the same time to me. "Normal Family Life" and all at the same time. I could feel how hard everything for me is and how tempting the bread, chocolate and etc. is. I did good!!!! Very good! Send some of the children to work and was cooking dinner.

Natural rice, chicken, vegetables and ketchup manis sauce. Delicious! We all loved it. As my Family had dutch Tompouce in orange to open the World Football Cup, I was fine. Later I was a little in need to have also something between my teeth, so I had some cherries.
For the sport factor I took my bike to go to the market and back. Which is about an hour ride back and forth heavy loaded. It is hard to plan Sport into my daily life as I am mostly alone with the kids. How do you do that?
I am proud of myself to survive a very hard  late afternoon with very cranky children and not taking sweets!

Happy 26 Day's to go

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