Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Day 3

I am peeing and peeing and peeing! It is incredible how much water my body is loosing. In the morning my scale showed 2 kg less. I could not believe it. I know that I had a lot of extra water in me. I am very surprised. As long I do not loose my milk for my little Summerbaby (that how I call Vienne) everything is fine with me.
I did good on food today except I sinned for dinner a little bit. I was very hungry for breakfast so I had my Dukan pancakes with greek yogurt, ham and cheese and a little yogurt with forest berries. As a mom I always share my food somehow with the youngest children around. Do you also do that? There is no picture this time, I was to lazy to get the camera from upstairs, sorry!
Lunch we spend at the Engelenmeer, which is a lake very close to our home. School is finished on wednesday's always around noon and so we spend the whole afternoon at the lake. To have some exercise we went by bike which takes about 25 minutes one way. With two children in the bakfiets, one in the front and the other in the Maxi Cosi in the back, and all the other stuff I had a pretty good workout. The Netherlands do not have mountains, sometimes little hills, but the wind can be so very strong. So happy work out!

I had almost a whole package of tomatoes, an apple,  some slices of ham and salami and lots and lots of water. I was so very often tempted by my friend to have some cookies and Haribo sweets, coke and other things, but lucky me I did not take anything. What helped me was to tell her about my goal, blog and the group of women that I joined in the US, to get healthier and loose my extra kilo's.
For dinner I prepared "Kinderglück", which literally means "childrens luck". A german friend introduced me to that lovely name. Very simple! Creamed spinach, potatoes, hard boiled eggs and fish sticks. Here Comes my sin of the day, I ate 3 fish sticks after having the healthy part. Fish sticks are one off my favorite things. Hardly somebody knows but they remember me of home and my time as a teenager. However, the fish remains and the breadcrumbs then even deep-fried in oil is not very healthy, but sooooo yummy.

Happy 27 Day's to go

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