Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

Tag 7 - 24 hCG Diät - Stoffwechselkur

Ja, ja, wo sind meine Einträge geblieben? In meinen Gedanken!
Mittlerweile bin ich 24 Tage im Rennen und es geht langsam, aber doch stetig abwärts mit den Kilos. Ganz besonders sehe ich den Fortschritt an den Zentimetern die ich verliere und mich so, sehr freue. Mittlerweile bin ich nur ein paar Kilo von meinem Idealgewicht entfernt. Freu, freu, freu!
Doch wie gesagt, es fällt mir schwer, sehr schwer an manchen Tagen und nicht immer halte ich mich an alles. Auch habe ich das Gefühl kaum Zeit zu haben um meine Tage zu dokumentieren. Meine Familie geht vor, noch dazu ist mein Laptop kaputt und das macht es gar nicht einfach!
Am 21. Tag hab ich beschlossen, nochmals 21 Tage dranzuhängen und das fühlt sich gut an. Nach diesen 21 Tagen werde ich die Stabilisationsphase erforschen um so sicher zu gehen, dass sich mein Gewicht richtig einpendelt und die Anzeige der Waage sich nicht verändert.
So here we go again!
Zum Glück hab ich eine liebe Freundin, die auch Mittendrinnen ist in ihrem hCG Abenteuer!
Heute haben wir diesen tollen Nachtisch zusammen verzehrt! Anstatt Zitrone hatten wir Beeren verwendet. Super gut!
Frozen-Joghurt mit Zitronen-Minze-Soße (von Anne Hild)
2 Portionen, 70 kcal pro Portion
2 Becher fettarmer Joghurt
3 Blätter Gelatine
2 unbehandelte Zitronen
1 Bd. frische Minze
1 TL Stevia oder 2-3 Eßl. Erythritol
  • Joghurt aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen. Zur weiteren Verarbeitung sollte er Zimmertemperatur haben.
  • Gelatine in einer Schale mit kaltem Wasser kurz einweichen
  • Die Zitronen abspülen und mit der Schale in kleinere Stücke schneiden. Kerne entfernen und im Mixer pürieren.
  • Minze waschen und fein hacken und mit Stevia oder Erythritol zu den Zitronen geben und im Mixer weiter pürieren. Die Zitronen-Minz-Sauce ist fertig.
  • Gelatine ausdrücken und in ein wenig heißem Wasser auflösen. Mit dem Joghurt und der Zitronen-Minze-Sauce mischen. In Desser- oder Weingläser füllen und einige Stunden kühl stellen.
  • Mit Minzeblättchen garnieren.
Statt der Zitronen-Minze-Soße kann man den Frozen-Joghurt auch mit 200 g frischen Beeren essen ( z.B. Heidelbeeren oder Erdbeeren)
Leider hab ich nicht ans Foto gedacht. Nochmals lieben Dank für den leckeren Nachtisch, Freundin.
Da wir einen wunderschönen Altweibersommer in den Niederlanden haben waren Salate noch immer meine Lieblingsspeise und ich habe sie tagtäglich genossen. Langsam wird es kälter und jetzt verfolge ich die Gemüseschiene immer mehr. Es fühlt sich gut an eine warme Speise im Bauch zu haben.
Auf morgen, ich werde jetzt mal eine Mama Nachtschicht einlegen!

Sonntag, 7. September 2014

Tag 6 hCG Diät - Stoffwechselkur

Was für ein Tag! Herrlich war's auch das Essen, doch nicht so ganz erlaubt. Wochenende ist immer schwierig für mich, doch diesmal ist alles ein wenig "schwierig"!
Ich habe ja meine bestehenden kg noch nicht bekannt gegeben, schlicht und einfach vergessen!
Das mit den Kilos ist immer so eine Sache. Ich habe von meinem jüngsten Schwesterherz (habe 2) eine tolle Waage geschenkt bekommen, bei unserem letzten Wienbesuch. Sie ist stylisch-schwarz und egal wo ich sie hinstelle zeigt sie immer etwas anderes an. So letzte Woche Samstag, als ich mich abwiegen wollte, war ich sehr erstaunt über die Zahlen, die sich zeigten. Es war ein wahrer Zahlentanz! Von 67-70 war alles in verschiedenen Variationen vorhanden. Innerlich war es kein Freudentanz, es wurde mit warm, bisserl wärmer und sogar ganz heiß, als ich 70 kg sah. Meine Gedanken blitzen nur so. Jeder der schon einmal, zweimal oder 26 mal hart abgenommen hat, weiß, dass die Waage einem Freund oder Feind sein kann. Doch wie kann so eine schöne Waage mein Feind sein? Also, ich einen Platz gesucht und gefunden und lasse sie dort stehen, egal was sie anzeigt, solange das Gewicht hinunter geht! :)
Da ich mich ja jeden Tag wiege (ich muss nur aus dem Bett fallen und stehe schon drauf) ist meine neue Waage wohl meine Freundin geworden, doch so Freundschaften sind nicht von Dauer!
Seit letzter Woche habe ich genau 1,40 kg abgenommen meine Maße sind auch geschrumpft und ich bin glücklich.
Zu Mittag wurde ich gleich auf die Probe gestellt, da wir eine sehr nette Junge Damen und Mütter Aktivität hatten, mit einem wunderbar-köstlichen Buffet. Ich habe ein wenig gesündigt. Doch die Versuchungen gingen noch weiter! Wer Meneer van Duin kennt, weiß, dass er ein tolles Händchen fürs Kochen hat und gestern gab es Nasi, eine Indonesische Speise. Somit auch ein wenig gesündigt. Ich weiß, Vorbild bin ich so keines, doch menschlich. Ich habe nur ein wenig gegessen und hoffe, dass mein "Waagenbesuch" nicht zu einem Freundschaftsbruch führt.

Trinken ist absolut wichtig! Wenn ich viel unterwegs bin ist es schwierig für mich viel zu trinken, denn nicht überall gibt es Toiletten, fremde Toiletten sind mir nicht so geheuer.
Seit meinem 1. Tag, dieser 2. Runde, gibt es 2 Punkte in meinem Tagesplan, die ich unbedingt erfüllen möchte. 1x Sit-Ups und 1x Push-Ups. Ja, ja sogar um Mitternacht. Ich habe noch keinen Tag ausgelassen und meine ausgeleierten Bauchmuskeln freuen sich und lassen mich das spüren.

Danke Pins auf Pinterest!

Tag 1-5 hCG Diät - Stoffwechselkur

Der 1. Tag ist der Leichteste. Ich war noch so gefüllt von den Schlemmertagen und genoss es direkt am Vormittag nichts zu Essen. Diesmal sind die Kopfschmerzen ausgeblieben, doch hatte ich ein wenig Bauchschmerzen, die wahrscheinlich auf das "Kuddelmuddel" das ich gegessen habe zurückzuführen sind.

Tag 1 von mindestens 21 Tagen an nur 500 kcal! Ich war absolut bereit für den Start! Jetzt nach 5 Tagen hatte ich schon ein paar Stunden der "Ich kann das doch nicht-Phase" hinter mir. Da ich nicht zum Schreiben gekommen bin hatte auch damit zu tun. Es ist für mich viel leichter meinen Plan durchzuhalten, wenn ich mich mitteilen kann. Irgendwie, sind meine Hände zu voll mit allem was Familie betrifft.

Was mir ein wenig geholfen hat ist, dass das neue Kochbuch, Donnerstag Abend, bei mit eingetrudelt ist. Doch prompt habe ich am Freitag, 5. Tag, einen Menüfehler begangen. Seelenruhig habe meine 100 gram Lachs mit Avocado gegessen, dabei im Kochbuch geblättert und gesehen das in der Diätphase beides nicht ratsam ist, aber in der Aufbauphase sehr wohl.. Da musste ich doch sehr über mich lachen und hab mich auch ein bisserl geärgert.
Wie schaut nun mein Tagesablauf punkto Essen und Gondatropin C30 Globuli (hCG) aus?
Keine Angst, verhungern tut Mann und Frau nicht. Die hCG Globuli gehen direkt an die Fettdepots und schenken genügend Energie. Da ich die ganzen 21 Tage schon einmal durchgemacht habe, bin ich Zeuge, dass es wirklich so ist. Nicht zu vergessen die Vitaminpräparate die unbedingt einzunehmen sind.
Gleich in der Früh nehme ich 5 Globuli ein, wiege und notiere meine Gewicht.
Ich mach mir gleich mal eine große Kanne Tee, denn es sollten ca. 3 Liter Wasser, oder Tee am Tag getrunken werden.

einen ungesüßten Kaffee, oder Tee. Ich trinke morgens einen Caro-Kaffee, ein Malzgetränk.
Manchmal eine kleine Schale blankes/nacktes Joghurt oder
eine halbe Grapfruit, Orange, oder einen Apfel
z. B.1 Apfel
mind. 15 min vor dem Mittagessen 5 Globuli einnehmen
einen herrlichen Salat und 100 g Fleisch, oder Fisch
 z.B. 1 Orange
mind. 15 min vor dem Abendessenessen 5 Globuli einnehmen
eine erlaubte Gemüsesorte und dazu 100 g Fleisch oder Fisch
Vitaminpräpartate nicht vergessen

vor dem Schlafengehen mind. 30 min. nachdem Zähneputzen
 5 Globuli im Mund zergehen lassen.

ERLAUBT: für die 21 Tage 500kcal
Lauch, Zwiebeln, Brokkoli, jedliche Kohlsorten, Rote Beete, Sellerie, Salat aller Arten, Spinat, grüne Bohnen, Tomaten, Gurken, Kapern, Artischocken, Mangold, Paprika, Kraut, Kohl, Pilze, Radieschen. Eine größere Menge kann davon gegessen werden.

Äpfel, Blaubeeren, Erdbeeren, Grapefruit, Heidelbeeren, Orange (100 g)

Kalbfleisch, Rindfleisch, Faschiertes, Hühnerbrust, Putenbrust, alles mager(nicht mehr als 100 g)

Hecht, Heilbutt, Kabeljau, Thunfisch auch als Dose aber nicht in Öl. Alle Meeresfrüchte wie Muscheln, Krabben, Tintenfisch, Hummer, Garnelen (nicht mehr als 100 g)

Eiweiß Produkte:
Eier, Magerquark, Hüttenkäse, Magerjoghurt ( 1 Ei ca. 80 kcal, 1 Magerjoghurt ca. 60 kcal) (nicht mehr als 100 g)

• Fett, Öl, Butter
• Kohlehydrate wie z.B. Nudeln, Brot, Reis
• Zucker, Süssstoff – verwenden Sie stattdessen Stevia falls unbedingt nötig
• Alkohol
• Milch – falls absolut nötig, ein Schuss Magermilch in den Kaffee.

(Angaben nach Anne Hild)

Samstag ist mein "Messtag" und ich bin ja schon sehr gespannt was sich verändert hat.

Lieben Gruß, A.-Alexandra

Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Diesmal in Deutsch - hCG Diät - Stoffwechselkur

Ja, ich mach's noch einmal!
5 Gonadotropin C 30 Globuli 4x am Tag
Da ich bei meiner 1. Runde hCG zwar einiges an Zentimeter verloren habe, aber nicht mein Ziel an Anzahl meiner Kilos erreicht habe, geht's auf in die zweite Runde. Diesmal in Deutsch, weil ich so oft gelesen und gehört habe. "Geh, warum schreibst denn in Englisch!"

So richtig genossen habe ich die zwei Schlemmertage ( Essen was man will, Alles!). Nüsse und noch mehr Nüsse, Rosinen, Müsli und Cornflakes, sowie ein herrliches Abendessen mit Meneer van Duin. Erwtensoup, Sandwich und ganz viele Nektarinen, sowie einmal heiße Erdbeer-Schokolade und zum Zweiten leckere Vanille-Schokolade und ein wenig mehr.
Diesmal hab ich nur 700 gr. zugenommen in den zwei Tagen. Bei meiner ersten Runde waren es 1,5 kg. Die ich ganz schnell nach dem 1. hCG Tag auch schon wieder verloren hatte.

Um den Erfolg, oder Misserfolg zu sehen, habe ich mir ein nicht meiner Größe entsprechendes MiSS ERFOLG Shirt gemacht (WHAT A MiSS). Es ist in Größe S, im Moment würde ich M oder L benötigen, somit schauen wir mal wie es in 30 Tagen damit aussieht und wie es mir passen wird. Es war super eng ;)!

Der September wird mein hCG Monat sein und ich bin gespannt, was für ein Resultat mich beglückt und wie es mir Ergehen wird.

Auf morgen!

Samstag, 30. August 2014

Resume hCG

It is a very long time ago, that I reported about my hCG Days. Vacation was so good and I wish I would have some more soon. I had no Internet! Can you believe it? Wonderful! I did not miss it either, except when I was finished on my 30. Days and could not share how I did.
I had no scale. There were two in the vacation house but both did not work, so I could only go by measurement. Which were changing to the good. After my last day I could step on my fathers scale, which did not make me too happy.

hCG Globoli vorbei - 1. Aufbautag

letztes Resultat, Erfolg?
DIFFICULT is the right word to describe how it is on vacation to do a diet with only 500 kcal. I did not think so before, but it is very difficult especially when the food ring all your childhood-memories. Which was the case in Hungary and of course in Vienna. Vienna was even harder! The reward was though all the compliments that I got in my hometown. Lovely and that I could fit nice stuff.
Hungarian goulash soup

one of my favorite seafood

my first breakfast in Vienna, after my 30 Days
Now home from vacation and lovely food. Without a goal or going by a special plan I find it quite difficult and I am thinking already about a new project. We will see, one thing is for sure, it will not take long!
Let's go back to the beginning. This is how I started
6. Juli 2014
and this is how I ended
15. August 2014
After the two days of eating as much I can my weight was up to 71,30. With the 500 kcal my weight went down till 65,80 kg. When we left for Hungary I was at 66,20 kg/24,35 BMI, after that I had not possibility to weigh myself. My measurements are fine, but the number on my fathers scale shocked me. Being in Vienna I loved to eat all that I missed, not to much, but still after 500 kcal daily, of course my weight went a little up. This week I stepped on the Wii again and this is what it said - 67,90 kg / 24,94 BMI. And that after eating lovely Hungarian food, wonderful Austrian food and almost normal at home.
The hCG diet works. Fat is shrinking, the waist gets smaller. Lots of energy was my daily help and I felt so very good. Somehow I miss it! What it needs is DISCIPLINE!

Now writing all of it, (which took some days) so many weeks later I decided today to start again!

Sonntag, 3. August 2014

hCG Day 18

After "sinning" yesterday I was surprised about my weight this morning. It was good, If I had not sinned better, but good for me. I am getting a little tired. I do not know how people keep on going with much more weight to loose. I had a very nice chat yesterday evening with an old school friend of mine. She wanted to know more about what I am doing and if she could do it too. I am sure she can. We will see, if she gives it a try!
Salad for lunch and a lot to do. We are leaving for vacation soon, so there is a lot to do. I am a little worried to do fine, away from here, the routing and being in the middle of my childhood-food. I love hungarian-food, it is quiet heavy like austrian. When I think about hungarian bread, oh, I should stop right now.
I decided in the morning already, that I will eat tonights Meneer van Duin's lasagna for dinner. We had guests again and I wanted so badly a piece without feeling BAD! It was wonderful! Thank you Darling! Will not like my weight tomorrow :)
I do not know if I will be able to blog on vacation. So we will see, how things are going!

hCG Day 17

Yes, yes, yes look what I saw this morning!

Two days ago, I chatted with my youngest sister about my measurements and she said laughing: " I need to watch out, to keep up with you!" Watch out little sis!
How can my lunch be different than salad? Today it was, because I used red beets out of my friends garden to make a delicious salad. My fingers where red, Mhmm!

Swimming again! I am such a lucky girl. I could even swim for long, because my little "Sommerbaby" was sleeping! I had delicious tomatoes from the garden and blackberries. I think they are not allowed, but I did not care!
For dinner I had lots of salad, who could have quest anything else and aubergine, with tomatoes and ham. Mhmm. The rest of my family has tortellini filled with mushrooms, yes I would have also liked that a lot.

Now I have to confess, I had some cake again, the birthday cake and I loved it! I should not have, but I did!
We will see......

hCG Day 16

Yes, yes, yes, my weight is good! For me surprisingly good!
I got the chance to swim again today and also to eat salad again and again and again. I am so thankful that it is summer and that I like salad! If it would be wintertime, I would not really know what to eat. Throughout all the past circumstances I totally forgot to get the new hCG cooking book!
As I had lots of errands to run in the morning, with 3 of my 5 children and my bakfiets, I decided to have apples. Apples give me a lot energy and I have the feeling I am truly eating. I like apples!
It was very hot today and so we went swimming in the afternoon at a friend's place with a pool. Lovely!
I feel so very different in water and I like to see, that my body is changing. I am actually so amazed that this hCG diet truly works! It does and I am doing it! I just wonder again and again, if I would nt have these little sins, how much further I could be. At the other hand, so many things happened in these 16 days, if I would not be in my project, than I would have probably gained weight. If things are stressing me out, I usually compensate with food, sweets etc.
For dinner I only had a little piece of meat and left to visit my dear friends that are still grieving over their child's death. I brought some Austrian Apfelstrudel, but did not eat a single piece. Yeah!

hCG Day 15

I realized in the morning, that I am counting my days wrong. So I have from today on 8 more days to go, to finish my 21 days of 500 kcal.

As I could not weigh myself, these are my morning-measurements.

Today was again a birthday, there are so many parties in our house in the month of July!

It was very difficult to eat what I am supposed to eat, because Meneer van Duin made his special lasagna again. I compensated with aubergine,  courgette and meat. Yummy and healthy, but not the same. I LOVE the lasagna from my husband, the best ever!

And of course I made a cake and I had to try a little piece and took also a bite from our dessert,

Our Wii got fixed again, so I can weigh myself. I am a little anxious what I will see. Will it be good, or not? It should be good, I am feeling good and I can wear most of my "old" before "Pünktchen-pregnancy" again and there we talk about 2009.

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

hCG Day 14

As mentioned yesterday, tomorrow will be a hard day and yes, today was a very hard day. I did fine all day long with my diet, except for dinner wie went to the big yellow M. We just surprised the children by doing something they like very much and it does not happen so often.
I ordered a Caesar Salad, which I thought was the best choice that I could make. Well, I actually don't know, the kcal was fine, except that there war parmesan cheese in and the 2 pieces of chicken were fried. But as I did not eat till to 4 p.m. o'clock. Had some plain sausages with some mustard and 3-4 bites of watermelon. So I quess, even I had not much I probably had a little more that 500 kcal.

There is something that was very, very good today. I was able to wear a dress to the funeral, that I have never worn before. It is in my closet for the last, a little more than, 5 years. It is from Hugo Boss and Meneer van Duin bought it for me in Alkmaar. Now I truly fit it, even better when I tried it the first time. The occasion was sad, but it was beautiful to wear something special for Jethro, I even pressed my hurt foot in red patent leather shoes, that I ones got from Italy.

By the way our Wii broke, and without a scale ( my sister in Vienna got me a nice one Juchuuu)we will see tomorrow, how the results will be and how I will get them.
I am tired from all the emotions that ran through me the last 7 days. I am tired from being strong.
Tomorrow is always fresh.....

Montag, 28. Juli 2014

hCG Day 13

I took this morning some time to get motivated again, so I chose to watch and read a little about hCG users! Yes, it worked and I had a good morning and for lunch like so often salad (cucumber, radish, little bit of ham, grüner salad, thymian and salt)  and vitamins, supplements, lots, and lots to drink. My ability to walk is limited and so I had the pleasure to rest int he early afternoon.

I thought about making a video and like so many others to place it on YouTube. The thought is very interesting.

This time the afternoon was very hard for me. I do not know why, but I wanted to eat something so I decided to eat some cottage cheese. In some of the information I read it was considered as OK.
Dinner, I am sorry no pic again we had fisch with spinach. Mhmmmmmm very, very good and filling.
My feelings are so mixed at the Moment. Sadness, grief also happiness. Tomorrow will be a hard day and I hope I will do fine. We will attend a farwell and funeral, very touchy and special.

So good night, A.-Alexandra

hCG Day 12

I could not weigh myself, so I do not how I stand at the moment. Walking with crutches  and having pain takes much energy. My mood is not the best!
For lunch I had a very nice salad again, like almost every day, but this time I ate "again" with my little baby girl a piece fo cake. I am being honest, but I can't say why. after some couple bites, I did not like it and stopped. I took a very, very long nap and felt a little better, than in the evening. Had no appetite the rest of the day and so I just had a little cup of plain soup.

One thing made me very happy today, I got a very nice compliment, about my weight loss! More important I can feel and see that I am on a very good way.

I need to get on track again, otherwise this whole project has no use.

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

hCG Day 11

A black day for me! I did everything fine all day long till I become very upset with myself! Do you have that? Sometimes we just get upset and then we are finding comfort in food, which is just a grip away.
Let me explain. I sprained my left foot, had to drive two hours with the car back home, could not cool it and was overwhelmed by the pain AND I did not eat till late in the afternoon! One other point was, that I did not like my weight in the morning, even I did fine the day before I had more. I wish it would be truly less every single day!
As the whole day went different as thought and planned and my husband got us food, a very nice salad with couscous, knowing that i like couscous, I just ate it and as dessert I had a little piece of Birthday cake leftover. The salad was so yummy!

I got crutches the end of the evening and that made me calm down. I have so much to do for next week, the thought that I am not able to fulfill my chores as I can't walk made me feel so helpless.
Tomorrow is always fresh......

hCG Day 10

I am very happy about the compliments I started to get, about my weight loss! Compliments are so important and I treasure them and they keep me going!
My scale is a little funny and I do not like it. As you know I weigh myself on the Wii board and on some days it is just way to much, or my loss is way too high. As long I see on my clothing and in the mirror my Body is losing, I am not so worried. But, I have to admit, I do not like it!!!

Some more kg to loose!

hCG Day 9

My daughter's Birthday! She is 1. I did good, when I think about it, because it was hard to keep doing what I am supposed to do with all the ice cream and sweets around me. Swimming was my sport today! I miss swimming and today I got the chance and took it happily!

Dinner was a little hard, my husband cooked and that is always delicious. But there I always did quiet fine with a nice salad. I love salads!

As dinner times are sometimes hard times, I always feed my little girl first. Than the rest of the family is almost finished, that makes it a little easier. ( not always though)
Taking the globules got very natural. I do not even have to think about it too much anymore. Just sometimes I forget my vitamins and other supplements.
I was not perfect following my hCG diet, but almost! (had a little bit of the birthdaycake and two spoons of the macaroni :))
Live is beautiful!

Samstag, 26. Juli 2014

hCG Day 8

After a very restless night, I was a little bit afraid to weigh myself , because of yesterday's sins. To my surprise my weight was fine, I lot again a little and so I was very happy about it. Today one week ago I started with my "filling up days".
The measurements from today were good. I actually, like always, expected more. I am doing fine and will go on.
Because of yesterday's news , organizing help and being there for my friends, I did not had the urge to eat^at all. So I had an apple&orange - day. For dinner, like so often, some salad.

Later this evening a little bowl of champion soup and some nuts. I brought dinner to the mourning parents. And to get them to eat, they have not eaten all day, I ate with them. But, I have to admit, that every single spoon I was feeling a little uncomfortable.
I am a little afraid, that I will not succed with my project!

hCG Day 7

I did not write for the last past days, a tragedy happend very close to me. I try to give you all a view about every single day I missed till today!
Day 7 was again a very busy day, my wedding anniversary. I woke up with the thought," I need to be strong and eat well!". And I did, till to dinner.
Had lot of different things to do, run errands for our vacation which is coming up soon, groceries, finishing a gift for my husband, being a mom and keeping the children busy, happy and at the same time clean, cook etc. It all went well, I drank enough, ate fine, took my globules and vitamins.

Dinner was delicious, but I stole some of french fries with a bit ketchup, had a little tiny bit of if ice, while feeding our baby. So far over the amount of kcal that I should have.

The funny thing is, that in the morning I was writing with my "hCG-friend" about that I always did well so far and never eat more than I should, or different, than it is good. Hahahaha
After dinner some terrible news broke into our happy evening. We spend the rest of the time in the hospital with friends that lost their only child through drowning in a lake that afternoon. A sweet little boy was taking with only six years of age.

After a long, long night and finally in bed around 2 a.m. I was happy that I "sinned" and ate more than I should. With only a light small meal I would not have been able to be strong.

Montag, 21. Juli 2014

hCG Day 6

Cancelling dinner yesterday, was not a good idea! Now I know and will never do it again! I lost some more weight, but did not feel so fit this morning. After a "Caro" and my plain yogurt - much better.Today I asked on a hCG-Forum, what they eat for breakfast, or just drink a coffee or tea. One answered saying, an apple and her vitamins. Well, a nice suggestion. Running some errands with my bike and having an apple was good. I felt fine all day long.
Japanese salad, was my lunch today, very yummy!
And I got my favorite turkish drink.
Courgette and a tiny bit of chicken with salt, thyme and pepper for dinner.

In my role as mother I felt a little easily irritated. I have my 5 children not since yesterday, but it felt like it somehow.
Today was also the first day, where I missed to be able to talk to a "hCG fellow"! I am doing this all alone, so I think I have to make some friends!
Till tomorrow my invisible readers, A.-Alexandra

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014

hCG Day 5

my first thought this morning was "I am hungry, I need to eat!" it was 6 a.m. and not time to get up, or to eat. It all went well, I took my 5 globules, drank later some water and had a little plain yogurt with my psyllium seeds and not to forget all the vitamins and  supplements. After that I was all fine again. On facebook I found out that there are a lot of hCG groups, most of them are closed ones. Found that very interesting and on two I knocked on!
Sundays are somehow heavy days for me, as I am a person who likes to eat and celebrate. Sunday is a celebration for me and than not to have cake, ice-cream or something different yummy or much, is hard. So today the 500 kcal were hard for me. So I thought I celebrate my sunday-lunch with chicken, tomatoes, cucumber and a little tiny bit of feta. Mhmmmm
It was actually too much, so decided to not really eat for dinner. Wasn't hungry either, so I had a tomato. Not to eat is not smart at all, even if you are not hungry. I need to change that and I also need to get myself a digital scale, so I can truly see how many grams each apple, tomatoe, meat etc. has. Tomorrow, is good for that! And I will order "Das hCG Kochbuch"!
I still wonder why I feel so good and why I am not extremly hungry? Does that truly come from 5 globules? 

Samstag, 19. Juli 2014

hCG Day 4

I am only 4 days busy with my new "Happy 30 Day's" and I can feel a difference. Amazing!
Yesterday, I just needed to sleep after such a hot day and so I wrote "yesterday" today. Which I don't like so much, as I am experiencing already a new day.
After weighing myself this morning, I had fun on my Wii board for some time. Happy to see my amount of kg and to feel so fresh. I had 10 g less that on my Day 1. (If that is the reason, why you can eat the first 2 days so much, super!)
A sort of routine is starting to kick in by taking globules etc. I am still reading a lot (Anne Hild, Die hCG Diät) at the moment and searching the internet. I can find much in the german speaking sector. in the english sector not so much at the moment, but who knows!
I found lovely recipes and read that there is a new cooking book from the author Anne Hild, I think I will get that and try it out. The food that I found so far is always super yummy and actually does not seem to be "diet food" When I think about diet food, I think about "Knäckebrot mit nix" - "Crispbread with nothing"!
Hot again, very hot, so for lunch I decided to have a nice fruit salad (two oranges and an apple). I read later this evening that there is a limit to fruit, one or two a day. I had 3, but probably I had 2, because I shared with my litte daughter who loves to eat healthy.

In the afternoon, I spoiled myself with two small tomatoes from my terrace. and some hour later a bigger on, after shopping.
Not to forget the loads of water vitamins etc. and an extremly good dinner that Meneer van Duin made. Again, later I found out that for veggies, only one kind at the time and not to mix veggies and salad, sorry. So I had little of veggies, with chicken and salad (cucumber and iceberg lettuce).
As I was taking a walk today I thought about, what this hCG does and how I feel. I felt my collarbone, it is more out than usual. I love that. I remember when I was still dancing, how I always loved to feel it how it is sticking out a little. Than I thought it is only my second day, how can that be?

We will see, I will see, but for now it is bedtime, A.-Alexandra

hCG Day 3

I felt so good without any headache or other discomfort! Surprising after a hot day with only 500 kcal. Not tired or anything, except I had a little hard time to concentrate in the afternoon. I was not hungry the whole day, actually after the last two days of eating so much, I felt relieved.

This is what I do now for the coming 20 more days.

1. dose of 5 hCG globules
weigh myself (which I will do on my Wii every morning in the hope and wish, to train a little bit)
For breakfast coffee or tea (for me my "Caro") that's actually it, but it does not seem right for me to not have a real breakfast so I will eat some plain yoghurt to it, I can put my psyllium seed in, or I will drink a little protein shake, if I have no time.
To start the day with an empty tummy, for me a no go!
Taking my vitamins, msm, omega3 and psyllium seed (which I do not know, if I will continue as I am a constant guest on the toilet for some time)
as a snack in between 100g fruit like an apple, orange or some strawberries
2. dose of 5 hCG globules
Lunchtime is fun time!
 lovely salad with some chicken, or fish, everything that the sea brings. 
There are so many varieties and they are soooo yummy!
in the afternoon again a fruit if wanted or needed
3. dose of 5 hCG globules
Dinner before 7 p.m. is suggested (mostly not for me)
veggies and  100g of meat, or fish, etc. to it. As a desert vitamins, msm and omega 3
4. dose of 5 hCG globules (before bedtime)
So, that is the theory, let me report how I did it today. I started like suggested 5 globules, weight myself, had a little shock, my weight changed so much in 2 days but on the other hand, I truly was sinning. (71,30 kg). But ok, 1 or 2 kg more is fine.
As I was working on two shirts and not at all hungry I just had an apple for lunch. It is still so very hot. I had lots and lots of water and felt very fine. In between the amount of globules like suggested.
For dinner er had this lovely salad (cucumber, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce and some Beef, seasoned with salt) it was so delicious.
I did not eat enough I conclude, but I felt fine, so fine and after that package of "Maltesers" yesterday, oh boy, I will not have that for years again.
Still I need to get used to, what I can eat in between, but hey, that was my first actual day!

I am reading a lot at the moment about the history of the hCG diet. Extremly interesting, I have to say. It all started in the 1930's in Germany at the Heidelberg University with a british endocrinologist named Albert TW Simeons (1900-1970).
Day 1 of 500 kcal accomplished. 20 more to go!

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

hCG Day 2

My night was not peaceful, remember we have a little baby girl and so I had the pleasure to get up some couple times. In the morning she slept peacefully and me too. So I was late and had to rush all morning long, which was not good at all.

I took my 5 globules went to weigh myself and was not hungry. As I had to hurry, I took two nectarines on the way and lots of water and my "bakfiets" with two children to run errands. For lunch I had this
and than we rushed to a wedding reception (more about that on Feel like a Princess) took 5 globules and enjoyed some lovely finger food and lots of water again. Boy, it was sooooo hot, today.
On the way back home I started to not feel good and thought I should eat. I did not eat so much so far. And I did not take my vitamins, which I added after dinner as a desert.
Spaghetti Carbonara and cucumber salad for Dinner. Mhmm, the last time carbs for I while I thought and went for a nice walk with the baby and our dog. I got myself something I have not eaten in years "Maltesers". Oh, I had the whole package and did not even feel guilty about it. Weird, not at all guilty!
Tomorrow will be the first day with 500 kcal. I found today some lovely recipes on Pinterest and actually I am looking forward to it. This morning I was a little worried and asked myself some questions like:
"How will I do with so less food?" "How will my body react to it?" "How will my mood be?" "How will it affect my motherhood?" "Will I be a grumpy wife?" etc.
Facebook Friends share their worries, which I appreciate. I am not worried now and I will take good care and see in those 21 very strict days how it will go, how I will feel and will report.
So till tomorrow and lovely dreams, A.-Alexandra

hCG Day 1

it is truly starting and I am a little nervous!

My day started by taking the first time 5 of the Gonadotropin C30 homeopathic globules. Leaving them on my tongue as long as possible. My thought was "I am starting a new journey!"
As my scale is not working properly, I put on my Wii board and weight myself. Usually it always shows a little more than my scale, but that one is for sure not correct anymore after all the water it was standing in (the boys had a tub-party).
These are the results of today's measurements:

Somehow my hCG Day 1 was weird! Weird in that way, as I could eat whatever I wanted - I did not know what I wanted to eat, because I was not hungry at all.

So I started with a kind of breakfast that I did not eat for very, very long. Cereal, oatmeal, banana, nuts, raisins and psyllium with milk. It was yummy but I did not really like it. Mhmmmm

With, or after breakfast like every day my vitamin supplies and in These 30 days they will be very important.

In between I snacked nectarines and I tried some of the chocolate, that we got weeks ago. (tasted not good)

Before lunch I took again 5 globuli and about 30 min. later I had a sandwich. I was not hungry again. Not at all, but as I read it is very important to eat lots and lots the first two days, so I do it!

I had to run some errands in the afternoon and took my bike. I did not take it for almost a week. (My achilles heel inflammation was to bad the last days, but today I could not do any different after eating and eating so much.)
It was very hot today and I was having the feeling to be a little bit out of balance. On the bicycle I could feel that very strong. Something in me was different, there's something going on.
Much water all day, I tried Juice but again did not like it, way to sweet, so water, water, water.
Dinner was fun time. We had "Bratwurst" got it from a german store with potato wedges, mustard and ketchup and cheese fondue with Baguette. Before dinner again 5 globuli.
And as a desert something I really like, varieties of nuts covered with chocolate. But guess what? It was not yummy, not at all.
I am truly questioning myself, what is going on? I do like the food that I chose to eat. Sometimes I am even grieving for it, but today I did not like anything.

Let me shortly explain what is hcg? Hcg stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. The hormone hCG is formed by every person in small amounts in the pituitary and in males in the testes. During pregnancy, the placenta is building it an it is very important for the maintenance of pregnancy.
By taking hCG globuli I am actually telling my body a sort of lie. What does natural hCG do. It helps the child to get whatever it needs to survive. So if needed an early unborn will use all the fat cells of the mother to survive. It started in the US States for the "rich and beautiful" by injecting the real hormon to get their figure back again. In Germany the way of homeopathic globules was found where there is no actual hCG hormone in, only the information.
And it works, men and women are losing their fat in problem zones. By taking 23 days 3 till 4 times a day 5 hCG globuli eat 2 days very much, to fill the fat reservoirs and have than 21 lean-days with only 500 kcal per day.
I heard about it 4-5 months ago and was very sceptical. Got more and more information was still sceptical till a friend of mine started it and I saw how it is working. How she is doing good and truly loosing fat where it is wished. Belly, thighs, hips, upper arms! Amazing!!
We will see in the next 29 days how it will be, A.-Alexandra

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014

Another 30 Days start tomorrow!

A package from Germany arrived today and I was so happy that I threw it in the air laughing out loud. I was waiting for that package and thinking if I really, really want to do it and write about it? Yes, I will and I want to let you all know about, what it does to me, how I feel and that again for the next 30 Days!
Tomorrow is only 8 more minutes away and I am nervous already. Day 1 and 2 I am allowed to actually eat whatever and how much I like. Much fat and carbs. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not feeling so good about it, as I was working hard the last 30 Days to loose weight, but I have to. I have to, to lose efficient weight in the coming weeks.
So I will get some "sinful food", enjoy and eat with much delight.
Tomorrow, I will let you know more about it.
Good night, A.-Alexandra

Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

Day 30

is already gone! Like so often it took me some days to write. I truly need to work on my diciplin!

Day 30 was somehow a very weird day. I had incredible pain in my Achilles' tendon and I am still very much in pain. So much that I even avoid using my bike if possible. It was also pouring water the last days and to that I was extremely busy.

What did I learn from this experiment?

1. I am not truly good in keeping up with an Internet - Group. After the first week I was mostly too late to read the assignments for the day, so I was always a little to late and than did not report as it should be. I also did quickly my own thing.

2. To write in english was somehow difficult, but I learned again a lot. and I am very thankful for that.

3. It worked. I lost weight, my clothes fit better and I lost some cm around my waist. I will definitely do some more.

4. To watch and report what I eat was very helpful, so in that case the group was a big help for me as also you my reader's, whoever you are.

5. With everyday a little - can be changed so much! I always said that to my clients back in my other life in Vienna, as training was so very natural to me and coaching the "Princesses" around me. Now I saw it from another side - the doing-side. Which was very interesting.

6. I definitely learned and got used to drink more, which is very helpful, so thanks!

No more day's to go in this Project, but I have already another one in my mind.
There will be some more Happy 30 Day's just wait and see!

Day 29

my tummy was still full from that delicious broccoli soup and so my scale did not show the same weight like the day before. Not amused I must say, not at all amused! But went I went to measure, my smile grew and grew bigger and bigger!
Here they are. let's go back to day one, when I took my measurements:

See the diffrence? Incredible! I did good, with all those little sins sometimes and not able to run every day, which I still dislike very much.

Here are some left overs from my lunch, that I could not finish.

In the afternoon, I had some fruit and lots of water during the whole day. Also my bicycle was used like always and so I am in good form.

I had a wonderful day and celebrated healthy a little, in the evening I went out and ate delicious and very light chinese food with Meneer van Duin.

Happy 1 Day to go

Montag, 7. Juli 2014

Day 28

in the early sunny morning I had a little bit of time for myself.

As I got ready for church - what a big surprise as I looked at the scale this morning! I stepped on and of some couple times. It showed a very lovely number under 70 kg. I reached my goal!

After church I am always sooooooo very hungry, so I had some melon, some cooked corn and some more of my lovely nut-bread.
I was in such an euphoria, that in the afternoon, I took a little bit of chips and cookies, even some sweets came into my mouth. I should not do that, not at all.
Sunday, the day of rest, so no sport and somehow truly relaxing.
Dinner served homemade broccoli soup with some nice baguette with herb-butter, but no pic.
I need to be careful!

Happy 2 Day's to go

Day 27

what a day was that? I was grumpy all day long! Poor family of mine that dealt with me like that. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy!!! Why? I do not know, I really don't know!
Breakfast went totally fine.

Lunch was not so good anymore. I started healthy, but than I saw those lovely "Semmeln" and I just had to eat one, a little bite of a raisin bread, which became a whole one. That made me even more grumpy. If I do not eat right than I somehow get in trouble with myself. Like to much sugar and also white flour products. That Semmel (roll) was whole wheat but still.
Dinner was fine again.

Inbetween I had a nice skype with my middle sister. And I was starting to feel better, that's truly what sisters are for and I very much appreciate the time she took, so we could talk.

Sport, I took a very long walk with my baby-girl and our dog. That also helped!

On days like that I am thankful for the night, because "tomorrow is always fresh" Anne of Green Gables!

Happy 3 Day's to go